Saturday, December 28, 2019

Create Financial Reporting App - Dynamics 365 for Finance & Operations LBD

Hi LBD enthusiastic,

here I'm sharing the steps that we need to follow in order to install manually the Financial Reporting App.
Walk through the MR Node and follow those steps:
  1. If present with error, delete the FR app from the Fabric or run the following command with 3 parameters:
    \\fileserver\Agent\wp\Environment\StandaloneSetup-xxxxxx\Apps\FR\Deployment\FinancialReportingDeployer.exe \\fileserver\Agent\wp\Environment\StandaloneSetup-xxxxxx\\config.json \\fileserver\Agent\wp\Environment\StandaloneSetup-xxxxxx Cleanup
  2. If needed, remove also the FR Database (take a backup first) and configure it again. About the installation, go through the link
  3. Install the FR App:
    \\fileserver\Agent\wp\Environment\StandaloneSetup-xxxxxx\Apps\FR\Deployment\FinancialReportingDeployer.exe \\fileserver\Agent\wp\Environment\StandaloneSetup-xxxxxx\config.json \\fileserver\Agent\wp\Environment\StandaloneSetup-xxxxxx Setup

Thank you also to Uwe Zimmermann, MS LBD guru.

Till now!

Robotic process automation (RPA) Overview - Dynamics 365 for Finance & Operations

Hi guys,

again happy Christmas!

In those "holidays" days, I play around with UI Flows!

Here the public link Intuitive robotic process automation that works for you

You are able to automate several tasks, also with the standard connectors.

Last but not least, we can use UI Flow in the our Test Automation journey in combination with RSAT.

Through UI Flow, you can create a Desktop or Web App (browser application like F&O, CE, etc.) recording.

With UI Flow we can automate several day by day activities but also use with RSAT in order to trigger messages from and to external systems!

That said, we will be able to handle an end to end test without any manual interaction.

Here some useful links:

Prerequisites & Limitations

Microsoft Power Automate Community Forums

Support page

Create and test desktop UI flows

Create and test your Web UI flows

Selenium IDE


In the next post, I'll describe how to create a F&O recorder!

Till soon!

Friday, April 26, 2019

Unable to load DLL 'IfxEvents.dll' - Dynamics 365 for Finance & Operations LBD

Hi LBD enthusiasts,

I'm going to share an issue faced during the 10.0.1 PU25 version installation on F&O LBD.

Error message

System.DllNotFoundException: Unable to load DLL 'IfxEvents.dll': The specified module could not be found
System.TypeInitializationException: The type initializer for 'Microsoft.Dynamics.Performance.Logger.IfxLogger' threw an exception. ---> System.DllNotFoundException: Unable to load DLL 'IfxEvents.dll': The specified module could not be found


Microsoft Visual C++ 2013 Redistributable Package missing on the AOSs and Orchs Machine.


Download Microsoft Visual C++ 2013 Redistributable Package and install it on Orch and AOS machines

Rerun the Installation.

Till soon!

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

LCS Environment Status not Updated - Dynamics 365 for Finance & Operations LBD

Hi Folks,

welcome again in the LBD world!


It could happen that the LCS Environment Status is not Up to date in relation with the On Premise Env Status.

For instance, the Environment is Up & Running but the LCS Status is Deploying.


That behavior could happen because the Orchestrators aren't able to communicate with LCS


First of all, try to press the "Refresh State" Button on the LCS main Project Page.
If doesn't work, go through all Orchestrators and run the Test-D365FOConfiguration.ps1 script.
Probably will fail with the error : Unable to find access rules for certificate for user Domain\svc-LocalAgent$

In that case, run the Set-CertificateAcls.ps1 script and rerun the Test-D365FOConfiguration.ps1 script.
Repeat for all Orch

Lastly, go through LCS, count until 10 and refresh the page!

That's it

Friday, March 8, 2019

Visual Studio Solution compilation issue - Dynamics 365 for Finance & Operations


below I will share a strange behavior that could help others with the same issue.


Starting with the 8.1.3 installation, was not enough anymore to compile the VS Solution, but was necessary to compile the entire Model in order to test our modifications.


When we installed 8.1.3 version, we had run the AXUpdateInstaller.exe and that's it!
But was not enough because by default the DefaultTopologyData.xml contain only the AOSService component and not the other ones.

So, we had run "AXUpdateInstaller.exe list" in order to have a list of the components that are installed on the computer like ALMService, DIXFService and DevToolsService.
The last one, dev tools were not updated causing a version difference!

By the way, we have update the DefaultTopologyData.xml file adding all Components installed on the VM and regenerate and rerun the runbook.

More details at

That's it

Wednesday, February 27, 2019

DevOps Build Issue - Giving up. Received a null descriptor for the form


During an Azure DevOps Build, I raised the error "Giving up. Received a null descriptor for the form FORMNAME" for different Custom Forms.

Running the Build from Visual Studio in the same Machine, any issues!

Really Strange!!
Let's start the game!!!

Thanks to MS Yammer and to Joris de Gruyter, I figure out the origin of the issue but no the real cause.

However, it seems that the compiler itself is not the issue, but a process after compilation called form compiler. It’s an optimization step for the runtime that seems will be remove in the upcoming release.


I decide to modify the Build in order to avoid any Stop if an errors occur during the Form Compiler step.

In order to do that, we need:
  1. walk through to the folder "C:\DynamicsSDK\Metadata"
  2. make a copy of the "Microsoft.Dynamics.AX.Application.Build.targets" file
  3. edit the "Microsoft.Dynamics.AX.Application.Build.targets" file
  4. find the Section "Execute Pgc executable"
  5. modify the "ContinueOnError" parameter from "ErrorAndStop" to "WarnAndContinue"
  6. save the file
  7. rerun the Build


Friday, February 1, 2019

8.1.3 Platform Update 23 Installation Issue - Dynamics 365 for Finance & Operations LBD

Hi all,

in the last days I tried to install the 8.1.3 Platform Update 23 version on my F&O LBD Environment but I raised some error.

Really thank you to Mohamed Zaki and Renaud Paquay for helping me to address the resolution.

AOS Application Error:

Application: AXBootstrapper.exe
Framework Version: v4.0.30319
Description: The application requested process termination through System.Environment.FailFast(string message).
Message: RunAsync failed due to an unhandled exception causing the host process to crash: System.Management.Automation.RuntimeException: Exception calling "GetTypes" with "0" argument(s): "Unable to load one or more of the requested types. Retrieve the LoaderExceptions property for more information." ---> System.Management.Automation.MethodInvocationException: Exception calling "GetTypes" with "0" argument(s): "Unable to load one or more of the requested types. Retrieve the LoaderExceptions property for more information." ---> System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException: Unable to load one or more of the requested types. Retrieve the LoaderExceptions property for more information.
at System.Reflection.RuntimeModule.GetTypes(RuntimeModule module)


AxBootStrapper is trying to load the netstandard.dll assembly from the GAC.


You need to install the netstandard.dll to your GAC on all AOSs.
For each AOS, go through C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v8.1A\bin\NETFX 4.5.1\  or ..\NETFX 4.5.1 Tools\ and run the following CMD command:

gacutil.exe -i "DLL Path\netstandard.dll"

You can find the DLL to the Agent path \\....WP\EnvName\StandaloneSetup-xxxxxxx\Apps\AOS\AXServiceApp\AXSF\Code\bin\

something like:
gacutil -i ..\agent\wp\XXX\StandaloneSetup-207104\Apps\AOS\AXServiceApp\AXSF\Code\bin\netstandard.dll

I guess the hotfix coming soon!

Till soon!

Thursday, January 24, 2019

Certificates Rotation on a Dynamics 365 for Finance & Operations On-premise Environment

Hi Guys.

Today I noticed that also on a LBD Environment is possible to handle the Certificates rotation!

Comparing with the Cloud, in a LBD implementation is a manual task, but now is possible to do it without modify the Configtemplate file, delete the Environment, etc.

Simply go through LCS Environment Full Details, Maintain, Update Settings


Tuesday, January 22, 2019

App Fabric Certificates Details - Dynamics 365 for Finance & Operations LBD

as per my experiences, the Microsoft documentation is quite lack about the details useful in order to create the App Fabric Certificates.
In my implementations, about the LBD environments I use Certificates generated from the Internal Customer CA (ADCS).

Only about the AOS URL is recommended to purchase a Certificated from a certificate authority (CA) such as GoDaddy, DigiCert, etc. in order to avoid certificates warning during the navigation.

At the link below you can find an Excel file with all Certificates details.

Hope it help you!
Till soon!