Monday, October 30, 2017

The client id must be unique across all clients - Dynamics 365 for Finance & Operations On Premises Installation

Hi Guys

To the same Customer I'm going to install the second On Premise Environment.

During the "Step 18 - Configure AD FS" I had run the following command in order to create the new Application:

 .\Publish-ADFSApplicationGroup.ps1 -HostUrl '' -ApplicationName 'Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Operations On-premises ENVNAME'

 Here I raised the error "The client id must be unique across all clients"

I checked the log wrote in the same folder as the script and I notice that the process failed to the script "D365FO-OP\D365FO-OP-ADFSApplicationGroup.psm1” at line 199

Here the "workflowClientId" is set with a fixed ID value.

I guess is a error so, I changed the line in:

"$workflowClientId = ([guid]::NewGuid())"

Before rerun the script, delete the partial Application created before through the ADFS Management Console

P.S.  The workaround above have an issue, the workflow doesn't work anymore. 
Unfortunately, I don't know where, Microsoft Dynamics 365FO search the Fixed Value...
I will create another post in order to explain how to modify the same Application in order to handle also other Environments.

Till Soon!

Sunday, October 29, 2017

Setup the AOS Balancing on AIF WEB Services or WHS Mobile Portal - AX 2012

Hi Guys

In an AX Environment with a huge AX Services workload, it is suggested to enable the AX Services Balance.

In order to do that, you have to:
  1. First, enable the NLB or ILB if you are working in Azure
  2. If you want enable the Balance through:

    • AIF Web Services
    • Remote Desktop Host Server
    • SSRS Services
    • Management Reporter

      You have to follow the standard link High Availability best practices for Dynamics AX 2012 in order to setup the Balance through the Dynamics AX Configuration Utility.
      You have to do that on each Servers listed above.

      Therefore you have to:
    • Through the Dynamics AX Configuration Utility create a new Configuration on “Local Client” and on “Business Connector” Target. You can named it “Balance”
    • On both Configurations, in the Connection Tab fill “Server Name” with the IP or Name of the Balance
    • Through the Registry (HKEY_CURRENT_USER and HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE) at the path “\Software\Microsoft\Dynamics\6.0\Configuration\new_configuration_name” create two key “wcflbservername” and “wcflbwsdlport” and fill them respectively with the Balance IP or name and the Wsdl Port
      “new_configuration_name” will be the new AX Configuration created
    • Come back to the AX Configuration Utility and refresh both configurations with the “Refresh Configuration” button

  3. If you are using the WHS Mobile Portal, modify the “Web.config” file that usually is store at “C:\Dynamics60\Warehouse Mobile Devices Portal\00” and modify the endpoint with your “Balance” IP or Name:

Talking about AIF Web Services or WHS Mobile Portal, in some cases, you have to create also an IIS Farm in order to balance the IIS Connections. If you are working on Azure you have to use the Azure Application Gateway in order to do that.

Till Soon!

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

High Availability AX 2012 Links

Hi All

I would like to share some useful links about how to handle the High Availability through AX 2012:

  1. High Availability best practices for Dynamics AX 2012
  2. Configure SSRS for load balancing in your Azure deployment
In the next days I will share in detail how to setup the "Services High Availability", in order to balance the WHS Mobile Portal and the AIF Web Services, especially in Azure using the ILB (Internal Load Balancer).

Till Soon!

Sunday, October 22, 2017

Empty Database in your VHD All-in-one Machine - Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance & Operations

Hi All

As you know, in an Azure Sandbox Environment you can decide if create it with or without Data.

This is not possible when you download the VHD All-in-one machine.

In order to achieve this result from my understanding there are two options:
  1. André post, where you have to first of all, create the Env in Azure with an Empty Database, Backup it and move to your VHD
  2. I have Play around to the VHD Disk C and I notice a folder named “EmptyDataset” with inside a Database backup named “AxBootstrapDB_Empty.BAK”
    I have simply restore this backup file against the AX Database and set the right GUID and email id retrieved from the “old” AX Demo Data.

Till soon!

Saturday, October 21, 2017

Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance & Operations - Change the standard URL in a VHD Machine

Hi All

In a Business scenario, we can setup several VHD all-in-one box Environments in the same Datacenter for various purpose.
One issue is the standard base URL that usually is for all Envs.

In order to change it and allow the team to reach the different Envs, for each Dev Box replace “usnconeboxax1aos” with the desired URL like “XXXXXXX”:

1-  Modify Endpoint URL on IIS

2- Modify web.config files in the C:\AOSService\webroot and replace all standard “url name” entries with the new one (XXXXX)

3- Modify as per the previous step 

4- Again on the VHD VM, modify “Hosts” file on C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc like that:           xxxxx.

5-  Change the “hosts” file on C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc in your Laptop, like:XX.XX.XX.XX 
where XX.XX.XX.XX will be the IP of the VHD Box
You have to add an entry for each VHD URL Env.

6- As the last step, make the Admin User Provisioning

Till Soon!