Friday, March 14, 2014

How to get Label Id from a text

Hi All

If you want retrieve the Label ID from a specific text description, here the code.
If are present more Label ID for a specific text, you will have the first.

   sysLabelEdit     sysLabelEdit = New sysLabelEdit();
   labelid          labelid;
   str              text = "Customer account";
   str              specialCharsText;
   specialCharsText = SysLabel::searchStringBuildSpecialCharString(text);   
   specialCharsText = SysLabel::seachStringBuildExactStr(specialCharsText);
   labelid = sysLabelEdit.findLabel("en-us", specialCharsText);
   info ( labelid );

That's all!


Friday, March 7, 2014

The SSRS report labels do not display or the report shows label IDs

Hi guys

If labels are not shown in the SSRS reports, try to follow this suggestion :

1- Check the SSRS Service Account password, could be invalid :

2- Refresh the AX Cache, so through Menù Tool\Caches, run Refresh Dictionary, Refresh Data, Refresh Elements, Refresh Report Server.
On CU7, MS have introduce "Refresh Report Server". This one, reset SSRS AX metadata caches.

3- Restart Sql Server Reporting Services.
If think, you can avoid this option if you can Reset SSRS AX metadata caches using the Refresh Report Server Cache new CU7 feature.

That's it!


Sunday, March 2, 2014

Dynamics AX - SSRS and SSAS in the field


In this post i want share some useful links and tips about using SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS) and SQL Server Analysis Services (SSAS) with Microsoft Dynamics AX.

Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2 White Paper: Business Intelligence Capabilities and Tools.
Here is explained very well the BI Core concept, available BI tools and many others :

Resource page for SSRS and SSAS integration in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012.
Here you can find Featured videos, news introduced in the last Cumulative Update, Common problems and solutions, etc :
Resource page for SSRS and SSAS integration in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012

The following link describes the types of reports that you can create by using the reporting and analytical features of Microsoft Dynamics AX :
Types of reports [AX 2012]

In few words, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2 includes a powerful BI solution, including 45 pre-built Role Centers.
Together with SQL Server 2012 and other Microsoft BI technologies such as Excel 2013, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2 offers a comprehensive set of BI capabilities and tools that can be used to tailor the pre-built content to the specific needs of an Organization.

Stay on touch!


Saturday, March 1, 2014

How to Setup Date Format on AX SSRS Report


If you want to setup a different Format Date on a SSRS report, you can follow the below options:

1- Modify date format for all date textbox present in the SSRS Report using the Format function, like =Format(Fields!TransDate.Value, "dd/MM/yyyy")

2- If you want follow the User Timezone, for all date textbox you can use ConvertUtcToAxUserTimeZoneForUser method, like =Microsoft.Dynamics.Framework.Reports.DataMethodUtility.ConvertUtcToAxUserTimeZoneForUser(Parameters!AX_CompanyName.Value, Parameters!AX_UserContext.Value, =Fields!TransDate.Value, "d", Parameters!AX_RenderingCulture.Value)


=Microsoft.Dynamics.Framework.Reports.BuiltInMethods.ToDisplayStringDate(Parameters!AX_RenderingCulture.Value, Date Field value, "d")

More details at


SSRS - AX Users are unable to print any SSRS report


If some AX users are unable to print the SSRS Reports, try to follow the follow tips :

1- Delete the AUC files from the Business Connector user ( from the SSRS Server ).Take care to Stop reporting services before.
E.g. C:\Users\BCUSER\AppData\Local\

2- You will have to make sure that non admin users have sufficient access to browse the reports.
Is enough to add the Domain Users group on SSRS Report Folder and grant the DynamicsAXBrowser role.
E.g. go through http://ax2012r2a/Reports/Pages/Folder.aspx?ItemPath=%2fDynamicsAX&ViewMode=List, Click on Folder Setting, Security. The same also for the StaticReports Folder
More info at

3- Setting the Reporting Services Execution Account to the same user as the Dynamics AX Service Account.
Go through Reporting Services Configuration, Execution Account "tab".


Dynamics AX - Per User Session Bandwidth ( WAN Connections )

Hi followers
What should be the per User Session Bandwidth for WAN AX connections?
The answer is :

- At least 40 kbps per user, for Remote Desktop connections
- At least 200 kbps per user, for AX Rich Client connections

The latency must be less than 5 ms.

Also, consider to compress data between clients and AOS.
Compress data between clients and an AOS [AX 2012]
That's it!