Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Maintenance mode - Dynamics 365 for Finance & Operations LBD

Hi All,

In order to turning maintenance mode on or off in an Dynamics 365 FO LBD (aka On-premise) implementation, you have to:

  1. Open Sql Server Management Studio
  2. Point to the AXDB database
  3. Raise the following command, update SQLSYSTEMVARIABLES SET VALUE = 1 where PARM = 'CONFIGURATIONMODE'
  4. Restart the Service Fabric service against all AOSs Node
  5. When you've completed your maintenance mode activities, repeat steps 3 and 4 but set the value to 0 in step 3.
This is a mandatory step if you have to change the License configuration entries.

More details at Maintenance mode

Till soon!


  1. ==========
    The path for executable can slightly be different and can change across deployments.
    Leverage Find File and use shortes path found

    cd C:\ProgramData\SF\AOS_11\Fabric\work\Applications\AXSFType_App19\AXSF.Code.1.0.201803021+1\bin>

    ### Switch maintenance mode ON

    .\Microsoft.Dynamics.AX.Deployment.Setup.exe --metadatadir .\packages --bindir .\packages\bin --sqlserver YourSQLServerName --sqldatabase axdb --sqluser axdbadmin --sqlpwd YourSQLPassword --setupmode maintenancemode --isinmaintenancemode true

    Restart AOS service from ServiceFabric console

    ### Switch maintenance mode OFF

    .\Microsoft.Dynamics.AX.Deployment.Setup.exe --metadatadir .\packages --bindir .\packages\bin --sqlserver YourSQLServerName --sqldatabase axdb --sqluser axdbadmin --sqlpwd YourSQLPassword --setupmode maintenancemode --isinmaintenancemode false

    Restart AOS service from ServiceFabric console

    No need to access SQL server directly

  2. Why make it more complicated than needed ?
    SQL way is more easy and much more faster.

  3. "Complicated" and "easy" is a very subjective opinion. It is good to know all available options. Why comment anything if you cannot bring in any valuable input?
