Saturday, December 31, 2016

AX 2012 - One or more conflicting model elements already exists in an installed model. How to know the conflict element.

Hi All

How many times during a model installation you faced the error "One or more conflicting model elements already exists in an installed model."?

In order to install the Models usually I prefer use the Powershell command, like Install-AXModel with "-verbose" option just to see more details in case an error.

Unfortunately the "-verbose" option do not help us to find the element in conflict.

Instead, using "-verbose" option together with AxUtil resolve our issues. In this case is showed the element name that generate the conflict.


1 comment:

  1. Hi,
    Very useful and informative article you have been provided to us.Thanks for sharing such a good article and sharing your knowledge with your users.
    Thank you
